
Summary of China Cattle Industry

Summary of China Cattle Industry

China is a large beef producing country in the world, in 200...

Bozhou Mengcheng Beef Cattle Breeding Area--Anhui

Bozhou Mengcheng Beef Cattle Breeding Area--Anhui

Bozhou is the largest cattle production area in China. In Bo...

Jinhua Milk Cow Breeding Base--Zhejiang

Jinhua Milk Cow Breeding Base--Zhejiang

Jinhua city,located in Zhejiang province, is worthy of the n...

Yangxin Beef Cattle Breeding Area--Shandong

Yangxin Beef Cattle Breeding Area--Shandong

Shandong Yangxin County, located in the Yellow River Delta h...

Xingtang Milk Cow Breeding Base--Hebei

Xingtang Milk Cow Breeding Base--Hebei

Xingtang County, located in Hebei province, is the largest d...

Xinji Leather Processing Area--Hebei

Xinji Leather Processing Area--Hebei

Xinji, located in Hebei province, is a well-known Leather pr...

Hongyuan Yak Breeding Base--Sichuan

Hongyuan Yak Breeding Base--Sichuan

Hongyuan county, located in Sichuan province, is in the very...

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