The Yindonggou Ag deposit is located in the northern part of Zhushan County, Hubei Province, around the border between Hubei and Shaanxi provinces.
It is a large Ag-Au deposit with retained ore reserves of 1,428 tons and a silver grade of 17.3 g/t. Although the deposit was mined during the period from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynast (about 350 years ago), essential geological exploration was started in 1972.
Reconnaissance and detailed reconnaissance were conducted for polymetallic deposits from 1972 to 1977 and a geological report, Detailed Survey of the Yindonggou Polymetallic Ore District in Hubei Province, was submitted in 1977. Late in the 1970s China placed the exploration of noble metals on an important position, and then silver and gold became major metals in the exploration of the Yindonggou ore district after 1978 and in 1985 Geological and exploration report of the Yindonggou gold-silver ore district in Zhushan County, Hubei Province was submitted.
Upon approval of the report, the Hubei Silver Mine was then constructed in 1986 and went into operation in 1990. The designed daily ore mining and dressing capacity was 400 tons, and the annual output of silver was 20 tons and that of gold 200 kg.
Contact: Newyork Liu
Wechat: NewyorkLiu
Company: Busiunion
Add: No. 351, Tianshanxi Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China