Thermal Power
Overview of China Thermal Power Industry
- Description: According to the statistics of State Grid, China's newly-added generating installed capacity will reach about 78 million kw in 2007, and the thermal power installed capacity scale will amount to about
With the product output continues to expand, China Thermal Power industry enjoys a rapid development in the year of 2008, the national industrial policy encourages Thermal Power industry to develop towards the direction of hi-tech products, at the same time, domestic investment has gradually been increased. As investors pay more and more attention on Thermal Power industry, the market demand for researches on Thermal Power industry development increases day by day.
2009-2012 is a critical period for the development of China Thermal Power industry, it is also the transitional period for China stepping from the "11th Five-Year Plan" to the "12th Five-Year Plan". In the context of global financial turmoil and severe domestic economic situation, a series of new policies are about to be introduced which will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of Thermal Power industry. A number of major national construction projects have started to be constructed which are bond to play an important role in driving the demand of Thermal Power industry market.
The power supply began to be serious in 2002. Due to the short period of construction and filling the supply and demand gap rapidly, the thermal power project had developed fast, and its ratio in the power supply structure all over China was improved as well. The thermal power project scale in the newly-added power supply exceeded 80% from 2003 to 2006, and the ratio of installed capacity of thermal power reached 77.8% at the end of 2006. The thermal power capacity in China had amounted to 484.05 million kw by the end of 2006, rising 23.7% from a year earlier.
In 2006, the accumulative thermal power generating amount amounted to 2.3186 trillion kwh in China, up 15.8% year-on-year, and the growth pace was 3.3% higher than 2005. The ratio of the thermal power generation amount in the total generation has been ranged from 79% to 83% in China in recent 15 years. The factors influencing the thermal power generation include the progress of power supply construction, power supply and demand, etc. The ratio of the thermal power generation to the total generation was 83.17% in China in 2006, a bit higher than the average level in recent years.
From the prospective of the utilization hours of the generation equipment in 2006, the overall average level was a bit decrease, however, the utilization hours of the nuclear power equipment rose a bit, and the hydraulic power declined clearly, which was related to the water. It can be concluded that the tension of the power demand and supply in China was easing gradually.
In the aspect of region, there are two provinces with more than 6000 hours of the generating equipment utilization hours, such as Ningxia reached 7099 hours. In Liaoning Province, the utilization hours of generating equipment increased more than 300 hours year-on-year, which was mainly due to the rapid growth of power led by the fast development of economy, meanwhile, the comparatively low growth rate of installed capacity also played an important role.
The utilization hours of the thermal power units all dropped in the majority of the provinces, and 15 provinces of which decreased more than 300 hours, five provinces declined over 600 hours, and Hunan province descent 911 hours, which was mainly owing to the large investment of the newly units, power consumption slows down of the high-consumption industry and the increase of the hydraulic power.
According to the statistics of State Grid, China's newly-added generating installed capacity will reach about 78 million kw in 2007, and the thermal power installed capacity scale will amount to about 640 million kw by 2010.