Multimedia applications

  • Water-curtain screen display system
  • Water-curtain screen display system
  • Water-curtain screen display system
Water-curtain screen display systemWater-curtain screen display systemWater-curtain screen display system

Water-curtain screen display system

  • Description: Water-curtain screen display system, which seems to be the most wonderful display technology, is also the most fun technology for the audience.
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The subtitle display system of water curtain uses the principle of free falling of water drops. After programming, the computer program controls the speed and amount of water drops. In order to achieve the corresponding visual effect, it is necessary to cooperate with the illumination of bright color light, so that the falling water drops have a certain special color, so that the water curtain shows a bright, free falling dynamic pattern. In short, water droplets have continuous falling light that can be refracted to show color; there are no water droplets at intervals and no color in blank areas.

It can be widely used. It is said that there were several hundred meters of water curtain subtitle display system, which can only be used in large-scale performances, press conferences and advertising activities. This is a very shocking way of large-scale advertising. Because of the high cost, the difficulty of maintenance and the need of medium brightness environment for viewing, it is rarely seen.

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